Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, April 24, 1999
Saturday, April 24, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I have come to you today as your Jesus, born Incarnate. I wish today to teach you about prayer. Prayer is a refuge or weapon and a means of unification - creature to Creator. The more the soul surrenders his own will to the Will of God, the deeper his union through prayer."
"Surrender then your plans, your choices, your desires. No good comes to you except through God. In this surrender you are engaging all the virtues - faith, hope, love, humility, simplicity, meekness, trust."
"Prayer is communication with God, either in the heart, on the lips, or through any action that is surrendered to the Divine Will."
"My Mother prays with you when you pray the Rosary. Her Heart is a channel through which your prayers ascend to Heaven and grace passes back down to you. Her Heart is a connection then to God and God's grace, just as you would connect an electric light to currents."
"God receives the sacrifice of prayer and uses it as a sword against evil. He changes the prayer into grace that overcomes evil in hearts. Then see, it is Satan that tries to keep you from praying. It is Satan who embattles your heart and tries to keep you from surrendering your will so that you can pray."
"No matter your course of action in any event, everything depends on God. Trust this. The soul that trusts only in himself is lost."
"Think of prayer as a sunbeam. Its ray stretches down from Heaven. It nourishes the lilies and flowers. It royally clothes them in light. Thus arrayed, they bloom and their beauty gives glory to God. The soul that surrenders to prayer much, also becomes beautiful in God's eyes and gives glory to God."
"I have told you, My confidante, that prayer is a surrender and a sacrifice. But the soul must also accept the way prayers are answered. The little flower receives what it needs to be nourished and grow. The soul, through prayer, receives what it needs for salvation. In humility, he must accept God's Will. If the Father knows what the little flower needs, does he not know your needs as well? Accept what He sends you in humility and gratefulness, like the little flower dancing in the sunlight."
"I am pleased with any prayer. Most of all I am pleased with sincere prayer from the heart. This kind of prayer changes people and events. I, your Jesus, love the prayer of the Mass the most. Then I love the Rosary."
"Follow Me in prayer. I will lead you."
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